Not Your Average Beauty by Michelle Helliwell
The task: create a cover for an historical fairy tale romance. Challenge accepted! Careful selection of imagery combine to create a cover that is right from the pages of the book. A fantasical font was chosen to further sell the fair tale feeling. And what fairy tale would be complete without a dusting of fairy lights?
Breathe by Donna Alward
Three images were combined to create the cover for Breathe. A custom logo was designed for the series and incorporated into each cover. The couple was removed from the original background with painstaking detail and the woman’s shirt and scarf color were changed. Typography used is consistant with that of the author’s brand and the rest of the series.
The Suburbs Have Secrets by Barbara Wallace
The Suburbs Have Secrets is a cozy, suburban mystery. Typography is key to this cover. Careful word placement makes it unique. The cute houses and vivid colors make it a stand out among its peers.
To Rescue an Earl by Pamela LaBud
The artwork for To Rescue an Earl started with two images, combined to create this dreamy historical romance cover. But the work didn’t stop there. I changed the color of the model’s dress. The blue is vivid and eye catching. The bright yellow text was carefully placed and lends to the romantic feel.